Discuss - Let's Grow (10/9/22)

So far, throughout this series, we have used a few questions to help us thoughtfully reflect on our faith, how it is has shifted, and how these shifts affect us and our relationships. Here are a few more that will move us further into some meaningful discussion:

  • Can you think of a theological shift (or a change in beliefs) that someone else has experienced that consequently created an issue in your relationship with them? For example: a family member joins a church that holds beliefs very different than yours.

  • If our church leaders were to write a letter, similar to the letter in Acts 15, to people considering joining our church, what, in your opinion, should be included in the list of, “essential (or prohibited) practices?”

  • Take a close look at Acts 10:15. What do you think this verse means?

  • Peter’s vision in Acts 10 seems to be about dietary laws shifting and changing. Yet, the context of the chapter is clearly about the Gentiles being accepted into the early church. How do you connect these two ideas and reconcile the whole message of Acts 10?

  • Do you have close friends who have faith beliefs, or faith practices, that are quite different from yours? If so, how has this stretched you…or created tension in the relationship?

Phil Vaughan