Discuss - Let's Grow (10/2/22)

Our current sermon series is called, “Heretic.” A heretic is generally defined as one who holds to a belief contrary to orthodox church doctrine. In this series we are exploring our various faith shifts and changes that happen over time and challenging the common notion that a certain set of correct, or orthodox, beliefs are essential for one’s faith.

Here are some questions that will help us engage in a conversation around this idea:

  • What is something that has shifted in your faith beliefs over the years? It might be something you were taught as a young person that you no longer believe. Or, it could be something you’ve adopted as a belief in recent years.

  • What is faith belief that you hold to be true…something that has not shifted over the years?

  • As you read about the challenge facing the church in Acts 15 what do you imagine was most difficult for the church leaders?

  • In Acts 15 the church leaders comprise a short list of essential practices for the new gentile believers. What do you think about this list? In your opinion, is there something missing? Did they include something that was, in your opinion, unnecessary?

Phil Vaughan