Discuss - Let's Grow (10/30/22)

This our first pre-advent series at Castle Oaks and our hope it to prepare our hearts and minds for the Advent season and our Christmas celebrations. These questions might help you and your friends reflect on the key passage for this entire series:

  • Why do you think Jesus selected the passage from Isaiah 61 to read aloud?

  • Thomas Wolfe’s famous novel is titled, “You Can’t Go Home Again.” Do you think this is true? In what ways? What have been your experiences in regards to, “going home”?

  • There will be some significant tension as we do our best to understand the meaning of this Isaiah passage. It is a powerful prophecy that gives significant hope. And yet, there seems to be so much that is still unfulfilled. Much more on all of that later. But, for now, an important question is this: How do you handle tension and unresolved conflict? Do you resist it? Or do you lean into it? Do you prefer peace? Or do you like a good a good spirited argument?

  • Can two ideas, which seem to be oppositional, be equally true and valid? Can you think of any examples?

  • As you read the passage that Jesus quoted, what feelings emerge?

Phil Vaughan