Father's Day 2023 - Letting Go and Trusting God

Our Father’s Day message focused on the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist. You can read the account in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 1.

A.W. Tozer wrote about how our possessions can easily turn into harmful distractions as we try to follow Jesus. Our relationships with others can be detrimental in the same ways.

Here is a link to one of Tozer’s most thoughtful writings about this.

Questions to Ponder:

Who has God entrusted to my care?

  • Thoughtfully consider your family: nieces, nephews, etc. Don’t overlook those older than you as well more distant relatives that you don’t have frequent contact with.

  • Also consider those you work with, neighbors, fellow students, old friends, and new acquaintances.

  • As you consider this question remember that you have been entrusted to others as well, and sometimes those relationships are reciprocal.

In what ways is my love for others conditional?

What are some of the “strings attached” for those who are in relationship with me?

What would a more mature and selfless love look like in some of my closest relationships?

Phil Vaughan